Owen Fielding of NET Recovery: the drug-free, non-traditional treatment that bypasses withdrawal torture and restores choice to those trapped in addiction
Episode 86 brenda zane Episode 86 brenda zane

Owen Fielding of NET Recovery: the drug-free, non-traditional treatment that bypasses withdrawal torture and restores choice to those trapped in addiction

For anyone trapped in the cycle of addiction and withdrawals hearing there's a way to remove cravings without having to suffer the agony of withdrawal would almost be too good to be true. That's why Owen Fielding and the team at NET Recovery are kicking off FDA trials (Nov. 2021) for their health-tech device that has been working since the 1970s in an attempt to curb the astounding numbers of people living in addiction and dying from overdoses.

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Uprooting Addiction, Healing From The Ground Up: a film that explores the connection between trauma and addiction, with Hope Payson and Daryl McGraw
Episode 56 brenda zane Episode 56 brenda zane

Uprooting Addiction, Healing From The Ground Up: a film that explores the connection between trauma and addiction, with Hope Payson and Daryl McGraw

Who's confused about using medication to treat opioid addiction? For parents who have an adolescent or young adult child struggling with opioid use, medication could be a viable option but there's confusion around it and information can be hard to find. In a deep-dive conversation, Dr. Lauren Hoffman and I covered a lot of ground to answer all the questions.

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how to help your other kids deal with their sibling's drug or alcohol use, with Nicole Kosanke, Ph.D. and Krissy Pozatek
Episode 55 brenda zane Episode 55 brenda zane

how to help your other kids deal with their sibling's drug or alcohol use, with Nicole Kosanke, Ph.D. and Krissy Pozatek

Who's confused about using medication to treat opioid addiction? For parents who have an adolescent or young adult child struggling with opioid use, medication could be a viable option but there's confusion around it and information can be hard to find. In a deep-dive conversation, Dr. Lauren Hoffman and I covered a lot of ground to answer all the questions.

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everything you need to know about medications like Suboxone, methadone and Vivitrol for opioid addiction treatment, with Lauren Hoffman, Ph.D.
Episode 53 brenda zane Episode 53 brenda zane

everything you need to know about medications like Suboxone, methadone and Vivitrol for opioid addiction treatment, with Lauren Hoffman, Ph.D.

Who's confused about using medication to treat opioid addiction? For parents who have an adolescent or young adult child struggling with opioid use, medication could be a viable option but there's confusion around it and information can be hard to find. In a deep-dive conversation, Dr. Lauren Hoffman and I covered a lot of ground to answer all the questions.

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who has your car keys? 7 tips for stability when life feels out of your control, with Brenda Zane
Episode 21 brenda zane Episode 21 brenda zane

who has your car keys? 7 tips for stability when life feels out of your control, with Brenda Zane

We've all seen the Venn diagrams showing us to focus on what we can control. But how does that specifically apply if you've got a teen or young adult child who's abusing substances and your life is in complete chaos? In this episode, I share from the seat of wisdom - 7 very real and practical things you can do to regain some control and sense of agency over your life even if you have an at-risk child.

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finding the right addiction & mental health treatment options for teens and young adults with Jenney Wilder, All Kinds of Therapy
Episode 20 brenda zane Episode 20 brenda zane

finding the right addiction & mental health treatment options for teens and young adults with Jenney Wilder, All Kinds of Therapy

I always want to tell parents, like give yourself space to just ask the questions. And if you don't like the answers, that's okay, too. You're going to get more information from the treatment programs or the professionals you're dealing with or the local therapist at home. There is no stupid question when it comes to treatment for your child.

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a school-based program identifying personality traits that put teens at risk for substance use, with Dr. Patricia Conrod
Episode 18 brenda zane Episode 18 brenda zane

a school-based program identifying personality traits that put teens at risk for substance use, with Dr. Patricia Conrod

Health research tends to focus on the negative outcomes, and so my team is now becoming a lot more interested in understanding how the program also helps young people thrive, not just avoid problems, but how does it help them thrive? What's fascinating is that by targeting impulsivity and some of these other traits, we've shown that the whole population benefits.

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natural consequences: the value of letting your child with substance use disorder make mistakes with Brenda Zane
Episode 17 brenda zane Episode 17 brenda zane

natural consequences: the value of letting your child with substance use disorder make mistakes with Brenda Zane

One of the hardest things for parents to do when your child is struggling is to know when or when not to help them. When they’re little it’s easy - but as they get older it’s more complicated because, especially for moms, there’s often an urge to step in and smooth the way and remove obstacles from their path so they don’t have such a hard time. I am 100% guilty of this and know from my work with other moms I’m not alone.

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closing the post-treatment gap: showing up for teens when they need it most with Dave Herz and Willow Rubin
Episode 16 brenda zane Episode 16 brenda zane

closing the post-treatment gap: showing up for teens when they need it most with Dave Herz and Willow Rubin

Well, it's hard. And it's also a lot more time consuming. You know, our coaches are available to our kids around the clock, in real-time, so there's a lot of texting in between sessions. It's like having a really good friend who's also a therapist and knows how to support you, so you have to be very, very available. You have to be willing to show up in a crisis. You know, our motto is we show up, whether that’s a text reply, or if it's a big crisis, it's like, I'm on my way. I'll be there, and we'll go talk this out or whatever that is. So it definitely requires a higher level of time and commitment.

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10 hard truths you need to hear if your teen is experimenting with drugs or alcohol with Brenda Zane
Episode 15 brenda zane Episode 15 brenda zane

10 hard truths you need to hear if your teen is experimenting with drugs or alcohol with Brenda Zane

This is for you, parents, if you are in that stage where you've smelled weed a few times, or you've heard from a neighbor that there was a lot of alcohol at the party the kids were at last weekend. And you may be getting knots in your stomach when your son or daughter comes home and they quickly avert and avoid your eyes before disappearing into their room. Because it's hard. It's hard to know what's going on. It's hard to know how to respond to that. And all I can say is welcome to the difficult years.

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a guy’s perspective: loving your partner & children’s mom through addiction
Bonus Episode 13 brenda zane Bonus Episode 13 brenda zane

a guy’s perspective: loving your partner & children’s mom through addiction

There's very much the machismo thing in our culture of just toughen up, or, you’ve got it, put your head down. And in one sense that helps, because you just got it, there's no other choice. I looked at it like, okay, I've got my three kids to raise, I have to do this. So I didn't really have a choice to stop and dwell on it or be sad, but it's very isolating.

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exploring racial disparities in addiction awareness, education and treatment with Brenda Zane
Episode 12 brenda zane Episode 12 brenda zane

exploring racial disparities in addiction awareness, education and treatment with Brenda Zane

I've had to go into research mode to find out what is going on and how this impacts people who are looking for resources for addiction. As I go into this, I’ll be talking a lot about race and I'm really going to be focusing on the Black community in this episode. I’ll probably get something wrong, I’ll probably screw up in some way. And I guess all I can ask for is if you're listening and I have done that, and you have the energy or the desire, please do call me out and correct me. I'm learning, I’m listening. I'm doing all the learning and reading that I can do on my own without having to burden anyone else. But I'm going to get it wrong. So bear with me as I do this, and let me know how I can do better. I promise that I will do that.

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you can’t love your child out of addiction with Megan Megale of Americanboy.org
Episode 9 brenda zane Episode 9 brenda zane

you can’t love your child out of addiction with Megan Megale of Americanboy.org

Honestly, I thought I could love Matthew through his addiction. I really did. I thought love would conquer the fact that my youngest has a terminal illness. And they were so close. I thought if he can't do it for Shea and for I, I couldn't come to terms with why. And I'd often ask him, why can't you do this? Why are you putting Shea through this? And I put more pressure on my son by saying words like that Brenda. Then I realized the consequence of what my words drove him to do.

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