self-Compassion, laziness, or self-sabotage? being the right kind of good to yourself when your child struggles with drugs or alcohol, with Brenda Zane

Host: Brenda Zane,

The Stream Community: a positive, health-focused online space for moms of kids experimenting with or addicted to drugs or alcohol

Restoration Mom Retreat: learn more and register for our first-ever Stream retreat in San Diego, CA

Free ebook: “HINDSIGHT: 3 Things I Wish I Knew When My Son Was Addicted to Drugs, by Brenda Zane. Download here

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Podcast support from:

This episode is supported by The Stream. Are you wondering who else out there is listening to this podcast and dealing with the kinds of issues you are? There are thousands of moms just like you who are struggling to help their kids, and who want to have a more positive, personal, and supportive place to connect with other moms who “get it.”

That’s why I created The Stream, an online, pay-what-you-can membership where moms who have kids struggling with substance use or mental health issues focus on their own health, wellness, and sanity. There’s no judgment, and no drama because it's not on Facebook and our community is based on positive thinking and CRAFT skills. We have weekly events, a book club, yoga classes, workshops, and supportive conversations.

Being a member of The Stream gives you an even deeper connection beyond the podcast where you get to interact with amazing moms and me every day. So if you'd like to hang out with us after the episodes, you can learn more and join us at The first two weeks are always free to see if we’re your kind of people, then you pay whatever you can. I’d truly love to see you there.

Episode resources:

Unapologetic, Radical Self Care - Hopestream episode #71

Episode chapters:


the importance of grief and grieving, and why we get it wrong most of the time, with Leslie Barber


hope for weary parents; from living in a park to helping re-build lives, with Mark Pepper