the importance of grief and grieving, and why we get it wrong most of the time, with Leslie Barber

Host: Brenda Zane,

The Stream Community: a modern, digital respite (not on Facebook) for moms of kids experimenting with or addicted to drugs or alcohol, in treatment, or early recovery

Free ebook: “HINDSIGHT: 3 Things I Wish I Knew When My Son Was Misusing Drugs, by Brenda Zane. Download here

Guest: Leslie Barber, Grief Warrior

Show Resources:

Leslie’s website:

What to say when someone dies - blog post

Pauline Boss website, Ambiguous Loss

Pauline Boss’s podcast interview on On Being: Navigating Loss Without Closure

Heartfelt Sympathy Gifts - gift boxes for those who are grieving


Brenda Zane, Leslie Barber, Grief Warrior (

Episode topics: parenting, teens, mental health, substance use, addiction, grief, loss, healing, hope

Show Transcript:

5:50 Leslie's background and journey to starting A Grief Warrior

8:58 grief in the workplace & Leslie's passion for it

9:58 opening a conversation about grief in our culture

11:09 the definition of grief and why it doesn't always mean physical death

14:41 various kinds of grief including kids and treatment

17:29 what are some ways we can be sensitive to someone who is grieving?

21:46 wanting to make everything ok for our kids - where does their own grief fit in?

24:52 sadness is treated with "I see your sadness, your sadness makes sense"

26:38 what is ambiguous and anticipatory grief…common experiences for parents who have kids struggling with substance use

31:31 how can parents navigate through the grief of having a child in addiction?

35:29 navigating the delicate situations around someone's grief

41:39 how to respond to the insensitive things people say when you've experienced a loss

49:37 self-care for someone who's experiencing grief or works in a heavy field like Leslie

51:53 helping a friend or loved one who's grieving by "getting in their dark" with them

54:02 practicalities of getting through the day when you're experiencing deep grief

55:29 Leslie's word of encouragement and hope for parents

57:42 wrap up and resources for parents

Thank you so much for listening. You might want to download a free ebook I wrote called Hindsight: Three Things I Wish I Knew When My Son Was Misusing Drugs. It's full of the information I wish I would have known when my son was struggling with his addiction. You can grab that at Thanks again for listening and I will meet you right back here next week.

If you’d like to receive my weekly email please go to and then watch your inbox each Wednesday for a special note from me.


insurance coverage for substance use, addiction and mental health; parity, denials and tips for getting treatment covered, with Virginia Holleman


self-Compassion, laziness, or self-sabotage? being the right kind of good to yourself when your child struggles with drugs or alcohol, with Brenda Zane