a 2021 reality report from inside the walls of teen mental health and substance use treatment: are the kids ok?

Host: Brenda Zane, brenda@brendazane.com
Instagram: @the.stream.community

The Stream Community: a modern, digital respite (not on Facebook) for moms of kids experimenting with or addicted to drugs or alcohol, in treatment, or early recovery

Free ebook: “HINDSIGHT: 3 Things I Wish I Knew When My Son Was Misusing Drugs, by Brenda Zane. Download here

Podcast Support:

This episode is supported by The Stream. Are you wondering who else out there is listening to this podcast and dealing with the kinds of issues you are? There are thousands of moms just like you who are struggling to help their kids, and who want to have a more positive, personal, and supportive place to connect with other moms who “get it.”

Being a member of The Stream gives you an even deeper connection beyond the podcast where you get to interact with amazing moms and me every day. So if you'd like to hang out with us after the episodes, you can learn more and join us at www.thestreamcommunity.com. The first two weeks are always free to see if we’re your kind of people, then you pay whatever you can. I’ll see you there.

Guest: Derek Bowles, co-founder, Crossroads Academy

Show Resources:

Episode 2 with Derek Bowles

Show Notes:


Brenda Zane, Derek Bowles

Episode topics: parenting, teens, mental health, family, addiction, recovery, substance use, trauma, fentanyl

05:48 Checking in - how are the kids coming out of COVID?

08:52 The dual-edged sword of social media

09:56 Treatment during COVID - a saving grace

11:17 What's the deal with teens having so much anxiety and depression today?

18:31 How parents put extra pressure on kids and what to do instead

22:26 The focus on grades and why it's easy to do

24:51 Thoughts on what kids most want from their parents

27:32 Seeing the potential in a kid who's struggling

28:31 valuing the journey to where your child is now or where they're going

30:22 but what about fentanyl?

32:42 why dealing with fentanyl is not a mental health issue

33:54 heroin vs fentanyl

36:21 discussion about kids and trauma

41:21 the substances and addiction aren't the problems

42:06 thoughts for parents when looking for a treatment program

44:07 opiates - the perfect drug for trauma

46:28 is treatment hurting or helping people right now?

47:28 the science behind the importance of finding natural highs

50:05 4 elements of the perfect post-treatment environment for teens

58:47 what's exciting as Derek looks ahead

Thank you so much for listening. If you’d like to receive my weekly email please go to www.brendazane.com/email and get on the list. I’ll meet you back here next week.


a ninja parenting tool for dramatically more calm and productive conversations with a child who’s misusing drugs or alcohol, with Brenda Zane


unapologetic, radical self-care to make life better when your child is misusing drugs or alcohol; a lighter episode, with Brenda Zane