golden nuggets from 2021: the best of the episodes you need to hear if your child struggles with substance use or addiction

Host: Brenda Zane,

Guests: Dr. Nzinga Harrison, Dee Dee Stout, Owen Fielding, Wes Robins, Derek Bowles, Dr. Mark McConville, Rebekah Tayebi, Denise Pope, Ph.D., Dr. Nicole Kosanke, and Krissy Pozatek

The Stream Community: a positive, health-focused online space for moms of kids experimenting with or addicted to drugs or alcohol

Free ebook: “HINDSIGHT: 3 Things I Wish I Knew When My Son Was Addicted to Drugs, by Brenda Zane. Download here

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This episode is supported by The Stream. You might be wondering who else is listening to this podcast and dealing with the same kinds of issues you are. You may also want to go beyond the podcast and dive deeper into the subjects with other moms who get it.

The Stream is the place where all of that happens. It’s a modern, online space where moms who have kids struggling with substance use and addiction issues focus on their own health, wellness, and sanity. There’s no judgment, and no drama (it's not on Facebook), and our community is based on positive thinking and learning CRAFT skills. We have weekly events, a book club, yoga classes, workshops, expert guest speakers, and supportive conversations.

Being a member of The Stream gives you an even deeper connection beyond the podcast where you get to interact with amazing moms and me every day. So if you'd like to hang out with us after the episodes, you can learn more and join us at The first two weeks are always free to see if we’re your kind of people, then you pay whatever you can. We’re waiting for you there!

Episode chapters:

0:54 personal welcome, update and show overview

4:39 Segment One: Dr. Nzinga Harrison on marijuana

19:33 Segment Two: Dee Dee Stout on harm reduction

29:39 Segment Three: Owen Fielding on the NET device getting people off substances without cravings or withdrawal

36:58 Segment Four: Wes Robins, Eternal Strength Therapeutic Youth Center on a parent's work

42:19 Segment Five: Derek Bowles, Crossroads Academy on what kids really want, and a perspective on fentanyl

48:39 Segment Six: Dr. Mark McConville on parenting young adults and teens when they're stuck or refusing to grow up

52:37 Segment Seven: Rebekah Tayebi on resilience and the parent's role when your child goes to treatment

59:12 Segment Eight: Solo episode with Brenda: Two of the four counterintuitive things you can do when you're overwhelmed by your child's substance use and mental health issues

1:04:53 Segment Nine: Denise Pope, Ph.D., Stanford Univ. on the dangers of having a stressed-out teen or young adult child and things you can do to help

1:09:05 Segment Ten: Dr. Nicole Kosanke and Krissy Pozatek on how to help your other kids when one is misusing drugs or alcohol

Thank you so much for listening. If you'd like to go to the show notes, you can always find those at, each episode is listed there with a full transcript, all of the resources that we mentioned, as well as a place to leave comments if you'd like to do that. You might also want to download a free ebook I wrote called hindsight. Three things I wish I knew when my son was addicted to drugs. It's full of the information I wish I would have known when my son was struggling with his addiction. You can grab that at Thanks again for listening and I will meet you right back here next week.


for the dads: your presence, experience, and actions matter when your child is misusing drugs or alcohol, with Andy Goldstrom


Four Common Beliefs Parents Have About Fentanyl That Put Their Teens and Young Adults At Risk For Overdose, with Brenda Zane